As you enter the job market, you’ll be networking and out in the world.
When a prospective employer is considering you, they’ll certainly look you up online. You want to make sure that every single thing they find is a great representation of who you are and what you bring to the table.
In this course we’ll guide you through all that makes up a personal-brand website.
We do it with:
- Video walk-throughs
- Guided worksheets
- Important (and free) resources & tools
- Quick professional tips
This is not about delivering a false representation of yourself to the world. It is about authentically showing your value.
Learning Objectives
- Create a brand to be used on the website and across other digital profiles
- Find images, choose colours, and create graphics to represent your brand
- Plan what pages you will include on your website
- Develop the content for each page
- Recognize the value of strategic page layout
- Map out the website structure
- Evaluate which web-building platform you will use
- Learn the technical setup of either WordPress or Squarespace
Target Audience
This course is for anyone entering the workforce who wants to have an online presence that showcases who you are and the value that you bring.