We’re social book now A final once over Is your homepage engaging with a nice balance between image and text. Does the viewer understand immediately who you are and your unique value. Have you used your brand statement on the homepage? Is your menu simple and clear? Have you found ways to feature internal pages to draw the viewer deeper into your site? Have you included extra supporting content on pages such as testimonials, success indicators, graphics etc – that draw people in? Is your LinkedIn profile easy to find? Is your text written consistently, speaking first person with the right personality? Have you removed industry speak and jargon – so that your content is easy to understand and relate-able. Have you checked every page for spelling and grammar. Have you broken up your text in different ways so that people can make sense of it faster – and it is being used in a visual manner? Have you articulated your skills and all that you have to offer? Have you showcased your life beyond who you are as a student? Are all pages consistent in styling and design? (In terms of colours, fonts, layout etc…) Are your visuals relevant to the text that they support? Have you included appropriate logos, graphics or descriptions that reflect your course activities? Check all links – are they all working? Share your URLIf you'll humour us and share your URL, we would love to check out your site.What was the most complicated part of the process for you?We'd love to know. Is there anything extra that you think we should have incuded in this course?